• What kind of benefits can I expect from working out with KoreTense?

Resistance training with KoreTense can help you build muscle, lose weight, as well as increase flexibility and range of motion.

  • Will I get the same level of workout that I would with free weights?

Resistance training with KoreTense can help you build muscle, lose weight, as well as increase flexibility and range of motion.

  • What if I don’t have access to a door?

No problem! There are plenty of KoreTense exercises that can be done with just your body by standing on the bands with both feet.

  • How do I know which band to start with?

Start low, go slow. Use the 10lb band at first and work your way up. If you can do ten reps without breaking a sweat, you’re probably ready to add more resistance.

  • Do I have to use one band at a time?

Nope! You can stack bands together for up to 100lbs of resistance.

  • Is KoreTense safe to use if I’m recovering from an injury?

Yes, because it’s a low-impact form of exercise, resistance band training is frequently recommended by physical therapists for rehabilitating pulled or injured muscles.

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